Contact us for a free yard audit!
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Yard Shape
Shunt Trucks
Hours in a Shift
Average Moves/Hour
- Yard Management Software
Standard Operating Procedures in place?
Moves Calculation Results
Contact us for a free yard audit! // <-- message if NEGATIVE RESULT SHOWN
Set w moves calc page
Yard Shape:yard min: 3
yard calc: 4.5
yard nssl: 6
yard max: 7.5
Global Settings
Cost / Hour - Customer: 65
calc value: 50
ym savings: 10%
sop impact: $1500
max shunt trucks: 8
pulled from form
# Shunt Trucks:Days Per Week:
Hours in a Shift:
Shifts per Day:
What is your average Moves Per Hour:
Do you have yard management software:
Do you have SOPs in place:
Available Operating: 0Billable: 0
Weekly Moves: 0
Estimated Man Power: NAN
client weekly moves...YMS Savings: 0
Revised Weekly Moves: 0
Moves Per Hour: 6
Revised Billed: 0
SOP: 0