
The Advantages of Embracing Diversity in the Workplace

August 22, 2024 | Insights

At NSSL, we believe that diversity in the workplace is crucial to any successful operation. Building a team of individuals with differing ethnicities, genders, race, age, and education, and past work experience benefits every aspect of your business!

Here is why we look at diversity as a unique business opportunity:

1. Experience and Perspective: 

NSSL trusts that employees with a diversity of experiences and outlooks greatly benefit the whole company. Acknowledging how to utilize our employee’s perspective is crucial. If done well, a broadened approach allows for deeper connections with clients, and a widening of our business’s reach.

A 2021 Forrester  survey reported that 60% of sales teams attributed diversity as one of their main factors of success. The survey also found that 88% of organizations proudly support diverse and inclusive teams.


2. Creativity and Innovation: 

The success of NSSL is dependent on its ability to think outside of the box and continue to innovate our services. When individuals of varying backgrounds and identities come together as a team, they learn from each other to produce solutions that are driven by combined ideas. A diverse and welcoming workplace helps employees express their input freely and openly.

Research by Josh Bersin reveals that diverse companies are 1.7 times more likely to showcase thought leadership, therefore making strategic decisions two times faster than their exclusionary counterparts.


3. Opportunities for Growth: 

In seeking out new development & customer possibilities, differences in backgrounds, ideas, and past experiences set us apart from the competition. This contrast stems from embracing diversity in the workplace. For Instance, a salesperson’s individualized pitch, rooted in their own experiences, features a more insightful approach to attracting clients.

A 2022 Gartner study revealed 75% of diverse operations teams exceed their financial targets, and 45% of their revenue came from new ideas. Whereas companies with less inclusivity had only 26% of profit come from innovativeness.


4. Productivity:

Experience, innovation, and decision-making directly contribute to productivity. A Research and Markets study found that inclusive businesses are 30% more productive over time. By prioritizing efficiency and embracing diversity of thought, NSSL produces stronger potential solutions, and a wealth of creative ideas!


5. Employee Retention and More Potential Hires: 

NSSL believes that company culture is crucial in retaining and attracting employees. A Harvard Business Review study indicates two factors that contribute to an employee’s decision to stay with their position; job satisfaction and workplace environment. Potential hires are more encouraged to work for companies with a welcoming environment, and value a reputation for being an inclusive workplace. Employees who feel valued and respected in their positions are more likely to produce better results, and ultimately stay committed to their role for longer.

Our team believes that embracing diversity in the workplace is pivotal to improving company culture and overall achievement. By prioritizing a safe and welcoming work environment, NSSL’s employees and clients feel more confident and respected in their positions. Diversity allows us to make the most out of the ideas, opportunities, and experiences all our associates have to offer!

A Partner Invested in Your Success

With NSSL by your side, you’re securing a true partner, committed to maximizing your efficiency, productivity, and overall operational success!

If you have yard management needs, email Jason Colasante to see how NSSL can help.

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