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Marshall McMaster

Manager of Quality and Prevention

Marshall McMaster has been with NSSL for 4 years.

Marshall's focus is on safety and quality.

About Marshall McMaster

Marshall's role is always evolving. As NSSL continues to grow, the role he performs is constantly developing to ensure the needs of the organization are being met. His favorite thing about working at NSSL is the people. From the Executive Leadership to the people in the field, it's really a sense of "one." His goals over the next year include to fully entrench the Safety/Quality system at NSSL, to develop a system whereby everyone gets the information and understands it, and to set targets and celebrate them when they're met. In his spare time he enjoys playing and building guitars, listening to music, fishing, and sports.
moves today
25 /day
average move reduction when switching to NSSL
92 %
driver retention
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